Our platform simplifies the management of external health services for care homes, automating tasks like appointment scheduling, communication, and compliance tracking. This frees up valuable time for staff to focus on what truly matters: providing exceptional care.
We foster seamless communication between care homes, external health providers, residents, and their loved ones. Real-time updates, secure messaging, and shared access to health information ensure everyone stays informed and connected.
Hapi's pay-as-you-go model and transparent pricing structure make it a cost-effective solution for care homes. Residents and their families also benefit from clear pricing for external health services.
Our HapiYou app empowers residents and families with real-time access to health information, appointment schedules, and treatment outcomes. This transparency fosters trust and provides peace of mind, knowing that loved ones are receiving the best possible care.
HapiYou simplifies the process of booking appointments, managing consents, and making secure payments, all from the convenience of a smartphone. This accessibility ensures that care is just a few taps away.
We offer a wealth of educational resources, including ar- ticles and videos from trusted health professionals. This empowers individuals to take control of their health, and the health of their loved ones, and make informed deci- sions.
We leverage blockchain technology, and artificial intelli- gence to enhance the delivery of social care. These inno- vations streamline processes, improve communication, and ensure the highest standards of security and privacy.
Hapi seamlessly integrates with care homes' existing patient management systems, minimising disruption and maximising efficiency.
We're committed to ongoing innovation and development, constantly seeking new ways to improve our platform and the services we offer.